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Chaudhary Pawan Kumar
Master's Thesis:
Police Reforms in India and its Need in Contemporary Time

Gurlabh Singh Gill
Master's Thesis:
False Imprisonments: Conditions of Undertrials in India Vis-a-Vis Challenges to Right to Life and Personal Liberty.
Currently applying for PhD programs in International Relations and awaiting UGC-NET 2020 results.
Master's Thesis:
Domestic Violence in Times of a Pandemic

Susan Sreemala Yadavall
Master's Thesis:
Studying the Testimonies of Victims in the Report of the Delhi Minorities Commission Fact-finding Committee on North-East Delhi Riots of February 2020
Currently working as a law and media researcher at CSDS: Sarai
M.A. Law, Politics and Society
Batch of 2020

Jitender Bhardwaj
Master's Thesis:
Thinking beyond Navtej Singh Johar Judgement: A Case for Queer Citizenship in India
Jitender (they/them) have finished their project Comics for Change as part of their YCI Rise Up fellowship - 2019 (USA) in 2021 and have also been working with Nazariya - a queer feminist resource group based out of Delhi as a programme manager. At Nazariya, they handle, programmes, research, and training.

Mahima Jain
Master's Thesis:
Santhara: Constitutional Dimesnions
Currently working as an intellectual property Analyst at Clarivate.
Peter Ronya
Master's Thesis:
The Study of EIA in Etalin Hydroelectic Project and Dibang Multipurpose Project in Dibang Valley of Arunachal Pradesh

Savi Soni
Master's Thesis:
Housing the Poor: Redefining Discourses on Citizenship and Democracy
Currently interning with the EdJustice Campaign while preparing for the civil services exam. She wishes to pursue a career in public policy.

Sonali Chugh
Master's Thesis:
Making of Terror Trail: The Affected Judgement and its Exceptions
She worked as an editor at Lawctopus for a year and worked on the sedition database headed by Lubhyathi Rangarajan from National Law University Delhi. Currently, she is working as a researcher with CSDS-Sarai for their project Media and the Constitution of the political, assisting Prof. Lawrence Liang with research on colonial and post-colonial trials and also working as an Academic Fellow at National Law University Delhi.
M.A. Law, Politics and Society
Batch of 2019

Mzurai Zeliang
Master's Thesis:
"Misuse of SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act: An Analysis
Currently preparing for the civil services examination.

Sunita Singh
Master's Thesis:
Representation of Sex in Art
Currently a writer and working in theatre. Has published fiction and poetry in various anthologies and performed her plays internationally.
Shruti Kaushik
Master's Thesis:
From Flags to Hashtags: Understanding transformation of Social Movements
Worked with CSDS: Sarai as a researcher. Currently working on A.I. and legal technology with

Vashita Madan
Master's Thesis:
Surrogacy in India: A Critical Examination
Successfully completed M.A. in in Law, Politics and Society and holds bachelors' degree in Journalism.
She is a writer and currently works in communication management and consulting at Blue Banyan Consulting. Her work has been published in, YouthKiAwaaz etc., and she is also associated with Survivors Against TB, a collective of survivors, advocates and experts working on TB and related comorbidities.

Yenshemban Chetan Singh
Master's Thesis:
Understanding Race and its Absence from Social Discrimination Jurisprudence in India: A Comparative Study
Currently a M.Phil Candidate at Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
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